OUR OPPORTUNITYThere are 2,750 students of color from economically disadvantaged communities in Chicago with the academic qualifications to get into top colleges, yet only 50% apply to even one.To succeed at top colleges and thrive in careers, Chicago’s students need extra support – but there simply aren’t enough citywide programs like Thrive Scholars tailored to meet their unique needs.
KiaraThrive Alum ' 24 Before getting into Thrive, I thought I was almost too ambitious. I had big dreams of making big money and having a big house and whatnot, but also making a big difference in my community. I had no clue how I would do that, and I didn’t know anyone who had similar goals as I did, much less anyone who had achieved them. Thrive helped me prove to myself that I can, and will, do whatever I set my mind to. I am extremely grateful to Thrive Scholars for encouraging my family and I to dream big.
Interested in learning more about how you can get involved?Contact Kylia Kummer: kkummer@thrivescholars.org