
Other Ways to Give

Individual and family contributions are critical to our fundraising efforts throughout the year. Many donors make gifts by check or credit card, for which we are tremendously grateful.

You can take your commitment to supporting high-achieving, diverse, underrepresented students from economically under-resourced communities to the next level through a multi-year gift pledge. Multi-year giving gives donors the flexibility of spreading their support over multiple tax years. Your multi-year gift allows Thrive Scholars to enjoy the benefit of your support now, while giving us the ability to plan for the future.

Please donate online or mail your contribution to Thrive Scholars. Please make checks payable to Thrive Scholars and mail it today to one of our two main offices:

Los Angeles
Thrive Scholars
606 S. Olive Street, Suite 2150
Los Angeles, CA 90014
(310) 833-1670

To set up a monthly donation, choose ‘Monthly gift’ above. Please give monthly through a credit card or a debit card.

Please give a monthly gift and support the year-round experience our talented Scholars receive. Your sustainable support ensures Scholars receive the mentorship, tools, and resources to thrive in their pursuit of academic and career success.

For more information regarding making a recurring gift, please contact: or (323)-389-7471

Companies will often match an employee’s charitable contributions. In addition to matching monetary donations, some companies will make a donation for each volunteer hour an employee gives to an organization. If your company offers this benefit, please request a matching gift form from your employer and send it completed and signed with your gift or independently to:

Thrive Scholars
606 S. Olive St, Suite 2150
Los Angeles, CA 90014

We will do the rest. The impact of your gift to Thrive Scholars may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies will also match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

For more information, please or (323)-389-7471

Memorial and tribute gifts are a powerful way to honor or remember a loved one, friend, or colleague. You may designate Thrive Scholars as the beneficiary of a special gift.

Please pledge online above or send a check to make your tribute gift. Please call or email: or (323)-389-7471 to inform them of your gift and who you’d like to honor so that we may inform the appropriate friends or family of your thoughtful generosity.

If you would like to direct family and friends to make gifts to Thrive Scholars in lieu of flowers, the following is suggested wording for an obituary or other tribute:

In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to Thrive Scholars in memory of (deceased loved one) to support the academic and career aspirations of our Scholars at:

Los Angeles
Thrive Scholars
606 S. Olive Street, Suite 2150
Los Angeles, CA 90014
(310) 833-1670

Make your contribution go further and take advantage of tax benefits by donating stocks, bonds or mutual funds to Thrive Scholars. Your gift will support our mission and deserving students while avoiding capital gains tax on the appreciation of your stock. Doing so allows us to often receive a larger donation while saving you money on your taxes. Please call or email: or (323)-389-7471 to receive transfer instructions and applicable information to assist you or your broker in making your gift to Thrive Scholars. You will have to contact your broker to initiate the transaction.

Give through your donor advised fund to maximize your impact on our Scholars and their educational and career aspirational goals. Thank you for recommending grants from your DAF to Thrive Scholars. Your fund sponsor (local community foundations; investments companies like Fidelity, Schwab or Vanguard; and other select nonprofits) handles all record-keeping, disbursements, and tax-receipts. You can find us on your donor advised fund sponsor’s list of charities as Thrive Scholars or SCS Noonan Scholars (our prior name). You can also find us through our
Tax ID #: 45-5619310.

Planned gifts provide vital support for our organization as well as immediate or deferred tax benefits. Planned gifts create extraordinary opportunities for Thrive Scholars and preserve our future. There are many easy giving options ranging from naming our organization as a beneficiary in your will to more complex trust arrangements. Please consult with your estate planning attorney to determine the right plan to achieve your goals.

Examples of easy and tax efficient planned gift options include:

Gifts by Will or Living Trust
Leave a bequest to Thrive Scholars of a set amount or as a percentage of your estate; you can also gift from the balance or residue of your estate or make a beneficiary designation of certain assets. Benefits of leaving a bequest include (1) leaving a lasting legacy to be remembered (2) lessening the burden of taxes on your family and (3) possibly receiving estate tax savings.

Gifts of Retirement Plans
Name Thrive Scholars as a beneficiary of your retirement plans; your retirement plan may be worth more when donated to Thrive Scholars than to your heirs.

IRA Distributions
If you or a family member are 70 ½ or older with an individual retirement account (IRA), you can make a tax-free gift to Thrive Scholars directly from your IRA, reducing your taxable income. This is called a qualified charitable distribution.

Gifts of Life Insurance
Name Thrive Scholars as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy; this is a wonderful way to make a special gift to Thrive Scholars without dipping into your capital assets.

Life Income Gifts
Earn income for yourself or beneficiaries when you create a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) or Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) to benefit Thrive Scholars.

For more information on these gift options or to discuss other planned gift vehicles, please contact: or (323)-389-7471

We welcome being included in your company’s workplace charitable giving campaigns. This is an easy way for companies and their employees to support Thrive Scholars through automatic payroll deductions, or via check or credit card. For more information, please contact: or (323)-389-7471