Making Connections
That Count

We offer a range of volunteer opportunities to our Corporate Partners, and all engagements are designed to support Scholars in exploring career paths, building industry-specific skill sets, and driving access to opportunities that promote economic mobility. Join our volunteer pool* and be part of our innovative opt-in model that allows you to choose how you want to contribute to Thrive’s mission. 

How the Opt-In Model Works

  • Sign up to join our volunteer pool.
  • Indicate your preferred volunteer opportunities and availability.
  • We’ll contact you when opportunities arise that match your preferences and onboard you to the role. Staff will provide you with resources and support throughout.

Sign Up Now!

  • Coffee Chats: Share your career insights in a 45-minute one-on-one chat.
  • Resume Reviews: Help mentees improve their resumes in a 45-minute session.
  • Mock Interviews: Build mentees’ confidence with a 60-minute practice interview.
  • Tutoring: Share your knowledge and support academic success.
  • Event Support: Assist with on-site or virtual events.
  • Job Shadow: Offer real-world experience by hosting a Thrive Scholar at your workplace.
  • Career Days: Support tours on employer campuses and help students explore future opportunities.
  • Capstone Project Volunteer: If your company is interested in providing a capstone experience for Scholars in one of our five pathways
  • Expert Panels: Join a 90-minute virtual group discussion or workshop on industry trends and career advice.
  • Networking Mixers: Connect with multiple mentors and mentees at a 2-hour in-person social event.
  • 1:1 Mentorship: Looking to make a deeper, lasting impact? Our Mentorship Year program offers the opportunity to build strong connections and support the growth of Scholars over an academic year. Meet with a Scholar independently 2-3 times per fall & spring semester. Mentors must attend an onboarding call and training session before being matched.

*Signing up for our volunteer pool does not guarantee immediate engagement. We aim to create a pool of potential volunteers, so we can reach out to you as opportunities arise. We have a range of flexible volunteer opportunities available to suit your schedule, interests, and expertise.