Rise & Thrive: A Symbol of Promise

Thrive Scholars is delighted Nespresso chose us for the company’s Things We Hold campaign, a Nespresso initiative created to support employee values and local communities.

The collaboration was driven by the Black@Nespresso Employee Resource Group who wanted to ensure they were nominating an organization deeply rooted in building community and expanding educational opportunities.

The group spent months learning about our program, Scholars, and team to ensure our values aligned, leading to the Nespresso promise to help nurture talent in our communities.

Nespresso is committed to working with Thrive Scholars to open doors for high-achieving students of color from low-income communities through diversity and inclusion from the classroom to the board room.

Nespresso has committed $500,000 to sponsor the 6-year journey of 20 Thrive Scholars from pre-college preparation through graduation and early career entry. Starting with Scholars’ senior year of high school, Nespresso will provide mentorship, offer opportunities for Scholars to learn about the breadth of roles within their industry, and potentially hire Scholars for internships at the global company.


We Make Lasting Change for Students of Color 

Thrive Scholars’ mission is to help high-achieving students of color from low-income communities get into and graduate from top colleges, equipped to achieve their full career potential. We dedicate our efforts to ensuring our Scholars experience economic mobility and develop the social capital to become the diverse corporate, civic, and academic leaders our country needs.

We offer comprehensive support from high school to early career. We use data to target what drives Scholar success in high-impact careers. Thrive Scholars go to better colleges. Earn better grades. And enjoy better careers. That isn’t hype: It’s proven outcomes. 

Data From Our Most Recent Graduating Class

Join Our Mission

Thrive Scholars celebrates the collaboration with Nespresso, because together, we will help close academic and professional opportunity gaps among high-achieving students of color from low-income communities. 

Refined over 20 years, our model works. Connect with us over a virtual cup of coffee to bring more deserving Scholars to success.

For Individuals: 

Support high-achieving, deserving Scholars today with a contribution.  Donate here.

For the Corporate Community:  

Become a corporate partner to champion the next generation of diverse leaders, sponsor students, and impact your local community, e-mail us at:  thrivenow@thrivescholars.org